Verify Task

Admin (Manager) can mark task as verified once the task is marked as complete.

Which tasks are shown here?

Only those tasks, which are marked as Complete and are remaining to be verified.

What data is captured in this form?

Once the user clicks on "Verified Tick box", Jamku automatically gets which user is marking it as Verified.

Ways to get here?

  • From Home Screen press "Verify Task"
  • Open task, then Press "Verify" on bottom of "Task" Form
If you are not not admin, then these buttons will be greyed out.
If the Task is not complete, and click on "Verify" button in Task Form, it will open the Task Verify Form, but no data will be displayed. Thus, only the tasks which are marked as Complete, will be available to be marked as "Verified"


After marking a task as verified, press "F5" to refresh tasks.

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